With a client base numbering in the thousands, Memory Lane is the region’s leading supplier of information technology sales and service to all levels of business, the public sector, and consumer markets. In our history, there are several firsts for Memory Lane, including being the first company to provide internet service in Medicine Hat.
Through our national and international third-party agreements, Memory Lane provides “deskside” support services to the Government of Alberta, City of Medicine Hat, the banking sector, large consumer retail chain outlets and more.
The success of our information technology services starts with certification maintenance, continued education, manufacturer specific training and continues with a passion for new technology. Memory Lane has a payroll of over 22 employees, with 12 listed in the service department.
We do our best to deliver same day service and offer afterhour support.
Cutting edge equipment and servers to keep our clients’ technology needs stress free.
We are locals like our clients and we believe in giving back to our community.